Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tis the season ..

What a beautiful season it is !! I absolutely love this time of year ! Now that I have my own little family, it just makes everything that much better ! It's a beautiful thing being able to watch your child enjoy and love something that you used to love at their age. Watching him experience new things brings back so many wonderful memories as a child.
Today is my husbands (common law ;) birthday. Yesterday I made 2 cheesecakes from scratch and a birthday cake. I thought I messed the cheesecakes up at first since they blew up so big ! Thankfully they deflated as soon as I turned off the oven . I was able to keep Jon-Erik busy during the hour i had to keep the oven open by letting him finger paint. I think he got more in his hair than on paper !
As far as learning new things, I'm in the process of teaching him "twinkle twinkle little star" in sign language. He does pretty good! I found a video with a much better way of signing on youtube so I'm going to see if I can get him to learn that way instead. He is starting to say "nose" and "teeth." He has also, after months of going on strike, started to say "dada" again. Before Chris left for Alabama, he was saying "daddy." I guess we are starting from scratch with that. Unfortunately he has completely rebelled against going on the potty. I can't really say that I mind too much since he is still so younge and I don't want him to grow up so quick. I also don't mind his cute little fluffy butt. ;] It would be a different story if he wore disposables. hehe


Jon-Erik with his cousins on Thanksgiving.
Naked baby in a stocking!
Our Christmas card picture.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Discovering the yoga love ..

I experienced a hard blow yesterday while stalking facebook pages during little mans nap. I read that one girl weighed in at 118 lbs when he LO isn't even a year old yet. I weigh ATLEAST 132. For everyone who don't know my pre weight.. it's sad. Within 5 minutes of reading that post, I was in my workout clothes and running top speed on the treadmill. I was gasping for air 15 minutes later and decided to call it a day. I found a DVD that someone gave to me and popped it in the player out of curiousity. Minutes later I found myself on the floor completely relaxed and in love with ... yoga. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with a daily routine of running and yoga during little mans nap time. I should tape a before and after picture on my fridge for motivation.

This morning is going to be nice. After I finish this up, I'm going to get myself and Jon-Erik ready to take a walk around town. As with every other 1 year old, he loves picking up leaves and acorns when we walk anywhere. He also enjoys pointing and yelling at every truck and bus that passes our way. I must say, it's very very cute. He has mastered every puzzle we have given to him (about 15 of them) and is about to start puzzles for 3yr and up.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm ready to let go..

It's truely amazing how much your life changes after you have a child. I love doing what I do. I love waking up every morning to Jon-Eriks beautiful smile. My life is so busy and chaotic at times I forget that I ever had "friends." I'm so tired of my "friends" telling me how busy they are and how much they are working and are trying to make time to see me. I'm ready to just change my number and delete my facebook. The only reason I have that thing anymore is to keep in touch with my family and stalk other people with babies. I see my mom and how she really has no friends. All she does after work and her meetings is sit at home on the computer. I don't want to end up like her. I know I have a few friends who I'm hoping will always be there. I just don't want to end up alone. It seems like the only time I'm truely happy is when I'm with Jon-Erik and Chris. Everytime I think about my friends I get sad and depressed in a way. I feel like the only way for me to have closure is to just erase all contact with them so that way I won't expect anything from them and will have no reason to be unhappy.

On another note, Jon-Erik is about to have his 2nd Thanksgiving in a week and I'm so excited! This year he will get to enjoy all the yummy food we eat!! I was hoping to have him potty trained by Christmas but that is on hiatus (sp?) until furthur notice. For some reason he refuses to sit on the potty now. He was doing so well for a few weeks. I heard it happens with some children so I can't say I'm suprised.

He is pretty good at using signs now. He's able to say about 10 words in sign right now. It's enough to make my life a lot easier! It's amazing all the whining and crying that gets elimated when they learn to sign! It will be even better when he can finally talk. So far he is able to say hott, done, eye, mommy, and daddy. We are getting there! He just isn't ready. I know I'm doing the best I can at teaching him.

Well, until next time. Here he is at the mall the other day with his best friend, Aiden ! =]

Monday, August 24, 2009

Debbie Downer

Ever have one of those times (more than just 1 day) where you are down. Better yet, depressed. That's how I feel and it's terrible. I've been so depressed and just running on auto pilot. I miss Chris so much it's killing me! To top everything off, Jon-Erik has been sick these past few days and he's been a terror. He is starting to not want to share and acts like a little girl that I babysit and it's so frustrating. I put so much time and effort into trying to make him a good boy and in no way do I expect perfection out of him but he is starting to follow what she does and it's not good. Our stairs have a metal railing at the edge and about 3 inches of stairs stick out. He saw the little girl hold the railing and climb the outer part of the stairs (she got a time out) and now he keeps trying to do it. The huge difference is he is only 1 and she is 3. It really makes me reconsider babysitting her since she is always acting up and he's starting to copy her. Anyway, I am now sick as well and everyone I know or hang out with is busy and not picking up their phones and I have no one to talk to. I don't even really want to talk to anyone about how I feel because I don't want them to think I'm just some depressing person. I'm pretty sure I just think too much into things and I know that everything will be fine in the end. I just can't wait to be back with Chris again. I can't wait to move into our house and be a FAMILY again! I left this town a long time ago thinking I was never coming back and I now remember why I wanted out in the first place. I have 1 friend left here. Everyone else just disappeared after I had a baby. I can't seem to understand how that works? A child is the most beautiful, amazing gift and I would be up my friends butt if they had a baby. How can you just forget about your friend at the most important time in their life?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I lost 2 lbs!!!

FINALLY !! I have been eating as healthy as humanly possible (in my eyes atleast) and I finally weighed myself in at 131.? (forgot that last part.) It's such a huge motivation for me to see pounds shedding. I want so bad to put that bathing suit on and take a picture but I know it will just disappoint me, so I'll just wait. I have decided that tonight I will start using my 3lb weights. I will also start some sit ups.

On another note: Jon-Erik started to finally use his book !! I could never get my little man to actually look at a book without trying to rip the pages. He points out the cats. dogs, and balls. He's such an amazing little boy. I'm so blessed. =]

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Busy Bee

Everything has been going really well. I have gone walking every single night and eating as healthy as possible. It's not easy being healthy when your husband is a fast food junkie!! I am thinking about getting a new scale since according to my current scale, eating healthy and working out has made me gain 2 lbs.

Friday, July 17, 2009

highschool came back to haunt me..

Graduation day was probably my favorite part of highschool. Granted I made some amazing friends and experienced so much but some things I will never forget. I had this one best friend who I knew since I was in pre-k. As soon as highschool started, she decided to tell some people private business of my family. It ended up going around my whole school and I was mortified. Instead of being the bigger person and finding a good resolution to a horrible problem, I added fuel to the fire and spread the nastiest "rumor" about her. Anyway, in the end, we ended up not being friends. Years later, we came into contact and I figured we were civil. The other day, I went to go send her a message on facebook and found out she unfriended me? I don't understand why she would do that? I was only 15 when I spread the rumor. I'm 22 now!! She didn't tell me why she unfriended me, but that is the only reason I could think of. When I added her again, she denied my request! I don't understand why some people can't let things go.

While I'm on my little rant, I might as well write about another problem I'm having. There is another friend of mine who I've been friends with since middle school. She is the sweetest, most caring person I have ever known, hands down. I love her so much and was even going to make her the godmother of my son! When I moved back to New Jersey, she never came around. When I finially bumped into her one day, she told me how she was pregnant and I was so happy for her! Last time I saw her, she was 4 1/2 months along. We were sitting and talking and I told her that she didn't even look pregnant! I said that if anything she looks like she has a little beer gut (I was drinking a beer hence the comparison) I thought I was complimenting her until she just got up and walked away. Was she seriously mad at me?! I ran after her and apologised and kept trying to explain myself on how I didn't mean to offend her and that I just chose the wrong example! All I was trying to say was how tiny she was and how awesome that is! I know with my next child, I hope I don't gain too much weight. Anyway, we hugged and I thought we made up until she told someone to keep me away from her. We haven't talked since. I messaged her on facebook once asking if she was mad at me and she said no. A few weeks later she didn't even show up at Jon-Eriks 1st birthday!

I'm so sick of drama. I just wish people didn't have to hold grudges. In a way, I understand my one friend from highschool but not the other. What upsets me even more is that she is such a nice person! She would never do anything to hurt anyone in any way and she won't even talk to me!! Ok, vent over.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

..about will power..

I have none. Maybe not none, but pretty close to it. I did so good all day (except my chicken fingers the beach!) My husband and I took JE to the beach today and walked back and forth on the boardwalk, stopping in every single arcade so JE could run around. On the way home, we stopped at Wawa and I got myself a smoothie instead of a milkshake. When we got home I left to go food shopping right away and went straight to the track to walk a mile right after I dropped off groceries. While I was gone, my husband ordered pizza. I caved. I ate a slice!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sick on the first day

Well, yesterday wasn't a good start to my diet. I woke up so sick ! I didn't eat breakfast for fear of not keeping it down. For lunch, I had whole wheat pasta with tunafish. At dinner I got some steamed chicken with broccoli. I couldn't even finish my dinner and was out cold by 8 PM. I woke up 7:30 this morning!

Today I'm planning on doing much better! I am going to walk everywhere I need to go today and put my ab roller back to good use. =]

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Start of a new beginning

What a better way to start a new blog than with a new challange?! I decided to join the "Fit by Labor Day" challenge and I'm psyched!! Before I start, let me explain a little about myself, and my family.

My name is Brittany. I'm a 22 year younge mother to a 1 year old amazing little boy, Jon-Erik. My husband, who is not legally my husband, is the most amazing father I could have asked for. Before I got pregnant I was pretty insecure about my body and I now look back and realize how stupid I was to feel so bad about myself! I was hott!!
Height: 5'4"
Current Weight: 133.4 lbs.
Weight Goal: 125 lbs.
How do I plan to do this you ask?!
First off, it helps that my husband is going to Alabama on August 1st to get a job set up and our house ready to move in to for 2 months. While he is gone, I will not have a car. Normally, this would bother me, but not anymore. I view this as a great opportunity to walk everywhere I need to go!! I also bought an ab roller and a yoga mat. If anyone reading this knows of a great yoga workout, PLEASE COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW!
Well, if you would like me to follow your blog and support you, let me know!
Thank you for reading! Please keep coming back !!